Cybersecurity  |  Compliance  |  IT Services

Protect your business, customers, and reputation.

We’re Secure Sec LTD—an IT services company that specializes in cybersecurity and technology solutions for businesses.

Did you know…

1 in 4

small businesses are at risk of being the victim of a cybercrime in Kenya.


of cyberattacked small/medium-sized businesses close their doors within 6 months.

2+ days

of costly downtime are experienced by most businesses after a cyberattack.

Why Cyber Secure Sec Ltd?

Our Professional Team

Our team of professionals holds advanced degrees, security certifications, and has many years of IT security experience to bring to the table. We understand both management and technical issues and our associates are passionate about security. We also teach security to IT professionals, the military and graduate students.


Secure Sec LTD is independent and unbiased because we do not sell security products such as hardware or software to fix problems that we find. Secure Sec LTD helps you select the most cost effective solutions to address your security risks.

Our Methodology

Secure Sec LTD focuses on a pragmatic risk-based approach that focuses discovery and analysis of areas that are of greatest risk to your organization. We will focus our services on identifying the most significant risks to maximize your investment in the assessment and mitigation of risks.

Our Ethics

Confidentiality and professional ethics are at the top of our list of corporate priorities. Our professional staff subscribe to the ISC2 code of professional ethics for security professionals. Trust is the basis of any good relationship and we work very hard to earn and maintain your trust.

Our Services

Secure Sec’s services are limited to security assessments, forensics and security training.

These services include:

  • Penetration Testing and Web Application Security Assessments

  • Internal IT Security Assessments, Social Engineering, and Computer Forensic Analysis

  • Staff Training and Mentoring

Our services help your organization address compliance issues, including: PCI, HIPAA, GLBA, NYS DFS, etc.